There are several ways to initialize the parameters for calling RaMWAS pipeline functions. The parameters can be stored in an R list like this:
param = ramwasParameters(
dirproject = ".",
dirbam = "bams",
filebamlist = "bam_list.txt",
filecpgset = "Simulated_chromosome.rds",
cputhreads = 2,
scoretag = "MAPQ",
minscore = 4,
minfragmentsize = 50,
maxfragmentsize = 250,
filecovariates = "covariates.txt",
modelcovariates = NULL,
modeloutcome = "age",
modelPCs = 0,
toppvthreshold = 1e-5,
cvnfolds = 10,
mmalpha = 0,
mmncpgs = c(5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000)
Alternatively, the parameters can be set in a separate R code file,
which is processed into a list as above by parametersFromFile
The R code file can contain lines like this:
### R parameter file
dirbam = "/ramwas_project/bams/"
dirproject = "/ramwas_project/"
filebamlist = "/ramwas_project/000_list_of_files.txt"
scoretag = "AS"
minscore = 100
### platform dependent part
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
} else {
The project directory parameter is dirproject
Files specified by file*
parameters are looked for here,
unless they have the full path specified.
By default dirproject
is set to the current directory.
The dirbam
directory is the location where RaMWAS expects to find BAM files.
If it is not an absolute path,
it is considered to be relative to the dirproject
The dirfilter
directory is, by default, the same as dirproject
All files created by RaMWAS are created within this directory.
If the user wants to test different read filtering rules,
they can set dirfilter
. This will set it to something
like “Filter_MAPQ_4”, there “MAPQ” is the BAM field used for filtering and
“4” is the threshold.
The dirrbam
parameter is the location where RaMWAS saves
RaMWAS raw data files (read start locations) after scanning BAMs.
It is “rds_rbam” by default and is located in dirfilter
The dirrqc
parameter is the location where RaMWAS saves
QC files in R format after scanning BAMs.
It is “rds_qc” by default and is located in dirfilter
The dirqc
parameter is the location where RaMWAS saves
QC plots and text files (BAM QC info) after scanning BAMs.
It is “qc” by default and is located in dirfilter
The dircoveragenorm
parameter is the sub-directory where RaMWAS saves
coverage matrix at Step 3 of the pipeline.
It is “coverage_norm_123” by default (123 is the number of samples)
and is located in dirfilter
The dirtemp
parameter is the directory where RaMWAS stores
temporary files during construction of coverage matrix at
Step 3 of the pipeline.
It is “temp” by default and is located in dircoveragenorm
For better performance it can be set to a location on
a different hard drive than dircoveragenorm
The dirpca
parameter is the sub-directory where RaMWAS saves
results of PCA analysis at Step 4 of the pipeline.
It is “PCA_12_cvrts_0b0a0c” by default
(12 is the number of covariates regressed out and
0b0a0c is a unique code to differentiate different sets of 12 covariates)
and is located in dircoveragenorm
The dirmwas
parameter is the sub-directory where RaMWAS saves
results of MWAS analysis at Step 5.
It is “Testing_age_7_PCs” by default
(age is the phenotype being tested and
7 is number of top PCs included in the model)
and is located in dirpca
The dircv
parameter is the sub-directory where RaMWAS saves
results of Methylation Risk Score analysis at Step 7.
It is “CV_10_folds” by default
(10 is number of folds in N-fold cross validation)
and is located in dirmwas
Parameter filebamlist
, if defined, must point to a text file
with one BAM file name per line. BAM file names can include path,
relative to dirbam
or absolute.
Such file may looks like this.
This file is then loaded into bamnames
with “.bam” extension stripped.
Note: BAM file names must be different. For example, the list of BAMS below is NOT allowed, as it contains “sample1.bam” twice:
The filebam2sample
parameter lets RaMWAS
know the BAM to sample correspondence.
It provides information on how BAMs
from the same sample are to be combined.
Each line in filebam2sample
must have information for one sample.
If sample1 contains reads from bam1, bam2 and bam3, the line should be
If the sample name matches the bam name, the line can simply contain that name
The filebam2sample
file is scanned into bam2sample
The elements of the list are bam names, and their names are sample names.
For example:
bam2sample = list(
sample1 = c("bam1","bam2","bam3"),
sample2 = "sample2"
RaMWAS calculates CpG scores and performs further analyses
at a set of CpGs (or locations in general) defined by the user
via filecpgset
The filecpgset
parameter must point to an .rds file
(a file saved using saveRDS
with the set of locations stored as a list
one sorted vector of CpG locations per chromosome.
cpgset = list(
chr1 = c(12L, 57L, 123L),
chr2 = c(45L, 95L, 99L, 111L),
chr3 = c(22L, 40L, 199L, 211L) )
In practice, the set should depend on the reference genome and can include CpGs created by common SNPs.
Optionally, parameter filenoncpgset
can point to a file storing vetted locations away from any CpGs.
For more on CpG sets see the CpG set vignette
The parameter filecovariates
, if defined,
must point to a file containing
phenotype information and covariates
for the available samples.
If the file has extension “.csv”,
it is assumed to be comma separated,
otherwise - tab separated.
It must have a header and
the first column must have sample names
as defined by bam2sample
parameter (see above).
The data in filecovariates
is read into the covariates
Many parts of RaMWAS are parallelized.
The cputhreads
parameter determines the maximum number of
CPU intensive tasks running in parallel.
By default cputhreads
is set to the number of CPU cores.
Some tasks are disk intensive.
The maximum number of such
tasks running in parallel is set by the diskthreads
By default diskthreads
value is 2.
Higher values can be beneficial on machine with lots of RAM.
On some systems the performance is better if different jobs are
prevented from simultaneous access to files.
To enforce this for filematrices set usefilelock=TRUE
The reads are filtered by scoretag
which is usually the “MAPQ” field or “AS” tag in the BAM file
(BAM file format).
The minscore
parameter defines the minimum admissible score,
reads with scores below that are excluded.
If there the are more than maxrepeats
read with
the same start position, this excess is assumed to
be the result of template preparation or amplification artifacts
and count is reset to maxrepeaets
(it is set to 3 by default).
The CpGs in CpG set defined by filecpgset
are filtered based on
their coverage.
(default is 0.3).minnonzerosamples
proportion of samples
with nonzero coverageThe file operations in this step
can be performed faster if done in large blocks.
To set the block size use buffersize
Be default it is set to 1 GB (buffersize = 1e9
Numerical values take 8 bytes is stored with full precision.
The coverage matrix does not need such precision and
can safely be stored with 4 bytes per value (single precision).
The value size is set by doublesize
parameter, which is 4 by default.
Both PCA and MWAS correct for variation
explained by selected covariates set by modelcovariates
The modelcovariates
parameter must name variables in
By default, the tested linear model includes a constant.
To exclude it, set modelhasconstant
parameter to FALSE
MWAS tests for association of normalized CpG coverage
with modeloutcome
, accounting for variation
of top modelPCs
principal components.
MWAS produces a QQ-plot in dirmwas
The title of the QQ-plot can be changed by the qqplottitle
To exclude the title set qqplottitle=""
Top MWAS results are saved in a text file Top_tests.txt
Parameter toppvthreshold
defines p-value threshold
for selection of top results.
Alternatively, it can define the number of top results, if it is set to
a value larger than 1.
The annotation is done using
The parameters include:
– BioMart host
– BioMart database name, see listMarts().ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL
– BioMart data set, see listDatasets().biattributes
– are attributes of interest, see listAttributes().
Default is c("hgnc_symbol","entrezgene","strand")
– lists filters (if any), see listFilters().biflank
– indicates the maximum allowed distance from the
CpG to the annotation element.Here is an example on how to select a custom biomart annotation track:
# First pick a host.
bihost = ""
# First we list databases
listOfMarts = listMarts(host = bihost)
pander(head(listOfMarts, 10))
# Pick a database
# Connect to the database
mart = useMart(biomart = bimart, host = bihost)
# List the data sets in the database
listOfDatasets = listDatasets(mart = mart)
pander(head(listOfDatasets, 10))
# Pisk a data set
bidataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl"
# Connect to the data set
mart = useMart(biomart = bimart, dataset = bidataset, host = bihost)
# List the attributes
listOfAttributes = listAttributes(mart)
pander(head(listOfAttributes, 10))
# Pick attributes
biattributes = c("hgnc_symbol", "entrezgene", "strand")
listOfFilters = listFilters(mart)
pander(head(listOfFilters, 20))
# Pick a filter
bifilters = list(with_hgnc_trans_name=TRUE)
# Test a location
chr = "chr1"
pos = 15975530
param = ramwasParameters(
bihost = bihost,
bimart = bimart,
bidataset = bidataset,
biattributes = biattributes,
bifilters = bifilters,
biflank = 0)
anno = ramwasAnnotateLocations(param, chr, pos)
RaMWAS predicts the outcome variable (modeloutcomes
using top mmncpgs
CpGs from the MWAS.
This prediction is done for each fold in k-fold cross validation
and the prediction performance is measured via correlations and
(for binary outcomes) ROC curves.
To run the procedure for multiple number of top CpGs,
The parameter mmncpgs
can be set to a vector of multiple values.
The elastic net mixing parameter alpha can be set via mmalpha
The number of folds cvnfolds
in the K-fold cross validation is 10 by default.
The split into folds is random.
The random seed can be set with the randseed
which is set to 18090212
by default for consistency across runs.
in the cross validationWhen selecting the number of folds, K, in K-fold cross validation a researcher faces a trade off. On one hand, larger K allows the training set [of size approximately K−1KN to better match the size of the complete data set. On the other hand, the computational complexity of cross validation grows linearly with K. As a balance, K=5 or 10 is often chosen. The most extreme case of K=N is known as the leave-one-out cross validation procedure.
The joint analysis of methylation and genotype data is described in the corresponding vignette.
The SNP data must be stored in a filematrix
with dimensions matching the CpG score matrix.
Its name must be defined by fileSNPs
parameter, with absolute path or
relative to dircoveragenorm
The results of the joint analysis are stored in dirSNPs
By default, the directory is created within dircoveragenorm