
This is the development version of BiocParallel; for the stable release version, see BiocParallel.

Bioconductor facilities for parallel evaluation

Bioconductor version: Development (3.20)

This package provides modified versions and novel implementation of functions for parallel evaluation, tailored to use with Bioconductor objects.

Author: Martin Morgan [aut, cre], Jiefei Wang [aut], Valerie Obenchain [aut], Michel Lang [aut], Ryan Thompson [aut], Nitesh Turaga [aut], Aaron Lun [ctb], Henrik Bengtsson [ctb], Madelyn Carlson [ctb] (Translated 'Random Numbers' vignette from Sweave to RMarkdown / HTML.), Phylis Atieno [ctb] (Translated 'Introduction to BiocParallel' vignette from Sweave to Rmarkdown / HTML.), Sergio Oller [ctb] (Improved bpmapply() efficiency., )

Maintainer: Martin Morgan <mtmorgan.bioc at>

Citation (from within R, enter citation("BiocParallel")):


To install this package, start R (version "4.4") and enter:

if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

# The following initializes usage of Bioc devel


For older versions of R, please refer to the appropriate Bioconductor release.


To view documentation for the version of this package installed in your system, start R and enter:

1. Introduction to BiocParallel HTML R Script
2. Introduction to BatchtoolsParam PDF R Script
3. Errors, Logs and Debugging PDF R Script
4. Random Numbers in BiocParallel HTML R Script
Reference Manual PDF


biocViews Infrastructure, Software
Version 1.39.0
In Bioconductor since BioC 2.13 (R-3.0) (11 years)
License GPL-2 | GPL-3
Depends methods, R (>= 3.5.0)
Imports stats, utils, futile.logger, parallel, snow, codetools
System Requirements C++11
Bug Reports
See More
Suggests BiocGenerics, tools, foreach, BBmisc, doParallel, GenomicRanges, RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14, TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene, VariantAnnotation, Rsamtools, GenomicAlignments, ShortRead, RUnit, BiocStyle, knitr, batchtools, data.table
Linking To BH, cpp11
Enhances Rmpi
Depends On Me bacon, BEclear, Cardinal, CardinalIO, ChIPQC, ClassifyR, clusterSeq, consensusSeekeR, DEWSeq, DEXSeq, DMCFB, DMCHMM, doppelgangR, DSS, extraChIPs, FEAST, FRASER, GenomicFiles, hiReadsProcessor, INSPEcT, iPath, ISLET, matter, MBASED, metagene2, metapone, ncGTW, Oscope, OUTRIDER, PCAN, periodicDNA, pRoloc, RedisParam, Rqc, ShortRead, SigCheck, Spectra, sva, variancePartition, xcms, sequencing, OSCA.advanced, OSCA.workflows, SingleRBook
Imports Me abseqR, ADImpute, AffiXcan, ALDEx2, AlphaBeta, AlpsNMR, amplican, ASICS, ATACseqQC, atena, atSNP, bambu, BANDITS, bandle, BASiCS, batchelor, bayNorm, beer, benchdamic, BERT, BioCor, BiocSingular, BioNERO, biotmle, biscuiteer, bluster, brendaDb, bsseq, CAGEfightR, CAGEr, CBEA, ccImpute, CDI, cellbaseR, CellBench, CelliD, CellMixS, censcyt, Cepo, ChIPexoQual, ChromSCape, chromVAR, ClusterFoldSimilarity, CNVMetrics, CNVRanger, CoGAPS, comapr, coMethDMR, CompoundDb, concordexR, condiments, consensusDE, consensusOV, consICA, CoreGx, coseq, cpvSNP, CrispRVariants, csaw, CTSV, cydar, cypress, CytoGLMM, cytoKernel, cytomapper, CytoMDS, CytoPipeline, dcGSA, debCAM, decoupleR, DeepTarget, DegCre, DepInfeR, derfinder, DEScan2, DESeq2, DEsingle, DESpace, DiffBind, Dino, dmrseq, DOSE, dreamlet, DRIMSeq, DropletUtils, Dune, easier, easyRNASeq, EMDomics, enhancerHomologSearch, epimutacions, epiregulon, epistasisGA, erma, ERSSA, escape, EWCE, factR, faers, fgsea, findIPs, FindIT2, flowcatchR, flowSpecs, GDCRNATools, gDNAx, gDRcore, gDRutils, GeDi, GENESIS, GenomAutomorphism, GenomicAlignments, gINTomics, GloScope, gmapR, gscreend, GSEABenchmarkeR, GSVA, h5vc, HicAggR, HiCBricks, HiCcompare, HiCDOC, HiCExperiment, HiContacts, HTSeqGenie, HTSFilter, HybridExpress, iasva, icetea, ideal, IMAS, imcRtools, IntEREst, IONiseR, IPO, IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR, katdetectr, KinSwingR, lisaClust, loci2path, LRcell, Macarron, magpie, magrene, mariner, mbkmeans, MCbiclust, MetaboAnnotation, MetaboCoreUtils, metabomxtr, metaseqR2, methodical, MethylAid, methylGSA, methyLImp2, methylInheritance, methylscaper, MetNet, mia, miaViz, microbiomeMarker, microSTASIS, MICSQTL, miloR, minfi, MIRit, mixOmics, MOGAMUN, MoleculeExperiment, monaLisa, motifbreakR, MPAC, MPRAnalyze, MsBackendMassbank, MsBackendMgf, MsBackendMsp, MsBackendRawFileReader, MsBackendSql, MSnbase, msqrob2, MsQuality, multiHiCcompare, mumosa, muscat, NBAMSeq, nnSVG, NPARC, ORFik, orthos, OVESEG, PAIRADISE, pairedGSEA, PCAtools, PDATK, pengls, PharmacoGx, pipeComp, pram, proActiv, profileplyr, ProteoDisco, PSMatch, qpgraph, qsea, QuasR, RadioGx, raer, rawDiag, Rcwl, recount, RegEnrich, REMP, RiboCrypt, RJMCMCNucleosomes, RNAmodR, RNAseqCovarImpute, Rsamtools, RUVcorr, saseR, satuRn, scanMiR, scanMiRApp, SCArray, SCArray.sat, scater, scBubbletree, scClassify, scDblFinder, scDD, scDDboost, scde, scDesign3, SCFA, scFeatures, scHOT, scMerge, scMultiSim, SCnorm, scone, scoreInvHap, scPCA, scran, scRecover, screenCounter, scruff, scShapes, scTHI, scuttle, seqArchR, seqArchRplus, sesame, SEtools, sigFeature, signatureSearch, SimBu, simpleSeg, SingleCellAlleleExperiment, singleCellTK, SingleR, singscore, SNPhood, soGGi, sparrow, SpatialFeatureExperiment, SpectralTAD, spicyR, splatter, SpliceWiz, SplicingGraphs, spoon, srnadiff, StabMap, Statial, STdeconvolve, SUITOR, syntenet, TAPseq, TBSignatureProfiler, ternarynet, TFBSTools, tidyCoverage, TMixClust, ToxicoGx, TPP2D, tpSVG, tradeSeq, TreeSummarizedExperiment, Trendy, TVTB, txcutr, UCell, VariantFiltering, VariantTools, VDJdive, velociraptor, Voyager, waddR, weitrix, zinbwave, CytoMethIC, IHWpaper, JohnsonKinaseData, ExpHunterSuite, seqpac, DCLEAR, DTSEA, DysPIA, enviGCMS, GSEMA, Holomics, LDM, minSNPs, oosse, robin, scGate
Suggests Me alabaster.mae, beachmat, BiocNeighbors, DelayedArray, DIAlignR, GenomicDataCommons, ggsc, glmGamPoi, GRaNIE, HDF5Array, ISAnalytics, MungeSumstats, netSmooth, omicsPrint, pareg, plyinteractions, PureCN, randRotation, RcisTarget, rebook, rhdf5, S4Arrays, scGPS, SeqArray, spatialHeatmap, survClust, TFutils, TileDBArray, TrajectoryUtils, TSCAN, universalmotif, xcore, MethylAidData, Single.mTEC.Transcriptomes, TENxBrainData, TENxPBMCData, CAGEWorkflow, clustermq, conos, Corbi, pagoda2, phase1RMD, RaMS, SpatialDDLS, survBootOutliers, wrTopDownFrag
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